Have you been feeling off lately? Have you recently had unprotected sex and are worried you might be pregnant?

It’s natural to feel anxious and uncertain, but knowing the signs and when to take action can help ease your mind. Understanding early pregnancy symptoms and knowing when to take a pregnancy test are crucial steps.

Early Pregnancy Signs and Symptoms

Here are some early signs and symptoms to watch for:

  • Late or missed period
  • Sore, tender breasts
  • Nausea with or without vomiting
  • Food aversions or cravings
  • Increased urination
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Bloating
  • Light spotting
  • Cramping
  • Constipation
  • Nasal congestion

You might be pregnant if you’re experiencing any of these signs or symptoms. However, the only way to know for sure is with pregnancy testing.

When to Take a Pregnancy Test

While it can be tempting to take a pregnancy test as soon as you suspect pregnancy, it’s best to wait until after your missed period. This timing allows your body enough time to produce sufficient hCG hormone, which doubles every 72 hours early in pregnancy, ensuring a more accurate test result.

Testing too soon might lead to a false negative due to low hCG levels. If you still think you may be pregnant after a negative pregnancy test, retake another test in a few days or a week.

Do You Need No-Cost Pregnancy Testing?

If you think you may be pregnant and need confirmation, Hope Women’s Center is here to help. We offer no-cost pregnancy testing and additional services, ensuring that financial concerns do not hinder your access to care and support.

Our mission is to provide every woman with the information and support she needs to navigate an unplanned pregnancy confidently.

Contact us today to schedule your no-cost and confidential appointment. We’re here to support you without judgment, offering the care and information you need to make informed decisions.